Study in Canada

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If you are looking for an international destination to continue your education and launch your career, look no further. The education gained in Canada will give a Midas touch to your career.

Canada – A Quality Study Destination

If you are looking for an international destination to continue your education and launch your career, look no further.
The education gained in Canada will give a Midas touch to your career.
Study in Canada and aspire to be the best.
Canada is one of the best places to pursue your higher studies and the country attracts thousands of students each year from abroad. International students can gain valuable education at very low fees compared to other countries across the globe. Education received from Canada will shape your life and better your career prospects anywhere in the world. Canada is home to 11 universities out of top 250 universities worldwide.
Canada is one of the safest places to live and study with very low crime rates and cases of racial discrimination. Canada is a great place to live and work because when it comes to quality of life, Canada is the best. In the last decade alone, Canada created 1.6 million new jobs for graduates. The Government of Canada adopts a policy of multiculturalism, which encourages people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds to live in harmony.

Cost of Living

Living costs in Canada vary depending on your location. Here's an overview of monthly living expenses:


Average amount per month in CAD


$400 - $1200


$250 - $500


$80 - $150


$80 - $200


$50 - $120



*Several other costs may incur and highly depend upon your spending habits.


Education in Canada

Canada is renowned for the excellent education system and its inclusivity. It houses a wide range of institutions, offering diverse academic programs. Canada stands out amongst all because of its emphasis on multiculturism, and hospitability to international students.

Canada boasts top-tier research institutions fostering innovation and critical thinking. Moreover, the commitment to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment also attracts a lot of students.

Fee Structure

Fee Structure

Canadian universities and colleges offer relatively affordable tuition fees compared to global standards. The cost varies based on the program, university, and location. You can find accurate fee information on the respective university websites. 

Let’s have a look at the average annual tuition fees in Canada.

  • Undergraduate Degree: $12,000 - $25,000
  • Postgraduate Degree: $18,000 - $30,000
  • Doctorate Course: $7,000 - $20,000



While Canada is a top choice for higher education, securing a scholarship can be challenging. Government scholarships have limited seats and high competition. However, there are also non-governmental and institutional scholarships that students can explore.

Are you ready to Fly ?

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