Study in UK

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Study in the United Kingdom Bring Your Aspirations to Life Want best degree that can be completed sooner? Enroll in the world-renowned universities in The Great Britian.

Why UK

The United Kingdom, without a doubt, is one of the best places for quality education and career craft. The UK has many globally leading universities. In the UK, you can choose whether to delve into the happening city of London or a serene and calm countryside - because the UK has it all. 

Cost of living in UK

Living costs vary depending on where you reside in the UK. Cities like London generally have higher living costs compared to the countryside. 

Let’s have a look at the summary: 


Amount per month


£ 500 


£ 150 - 200


£ 150 - 200

Mobile phone

£ 50


£ 100

*Several other costs may incur and highly depend upon your spending habits. 

Education in UK

The UK boasts prestigious universities known for their top-tier education and unique educational culture. Students can enrich their social and cultural experiences through a wide range of clubs and societies. The country offers a wide variety of courses with various specializations, ensuring you'll find your desired subject with ease. UK courses are generally shorter in duration compared to other countries, saving you both tuition fees and accommodation costs.

Fee Structure

The fees differ based on the location of your university or campus. The average cost of studying in London is significantly higher than other places in the UK. 


The fees depend upon the course you choose. 

Undergraduate Degree - £ 7,000 to £ 20,000 yearly 

Postgraduate Degree - £ 10,0000 tp £ 25,000 yearly

Doctoral Program - £ 15,000 to £ 30,000 yearly.



Despite the shorter duration of the course, the cost of studying in the UK might be overwhelming. With enough research and hardwork, you can land a scholarship.

Each university has a designated section for “Scholarships”, you can surf through their respective websites. In case of any confusion or further guidance, feel free to contact us at Apace International to guide you through your scholarship options at different universities. 

If you are planning to pursue a postgraduate degree in the UK, you can apply for GREAT Scholarship and explore other opportunities too. 

Are you ready to Fly ?

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